Elementor Header #6087

Purple & Green Branching Hammer Coral


How to Care for Purple & Green Branching Hammer Coral: (written by Dave Burr) The Purple & Green Branching Hammer Coral is a great beginner coral and will sway back and forth to the currents in the aquarium. Hammer Corals are a favorite of many because of the sense of motion they bring to a reef tank. Tentacles: They do have sweeper tentacles that can extend 2"-4" at night and sting nearby corals. Hammer Corals may be placed next to other Euphyllia species such as Frogspawn Coral and Hammer Coral as they do not sting other Euphyllia. Placement: Mount the Purple & Green Branching Hammer Coral using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the lower two- thirds of the aquarium where they will receive moderate currents and low to moderate lighting. Leave 2-3" around this coral as it has tentacles that can


How to Care for Purple & Green Branching Hammer Coral: (written by Dave Burr) The Purple & Green Branching Hammer Coral is a great beginner coral and will sway back and forth to the currents in the aquarium. Hammer Corals are a favorite of many because of the sense of motion they bring to a reef tank. Tentacles: They do have sweeper tentacles that can extend 2"-4" at night and sting nearby corals. Hammer Corals may be placed next to other Euphyllia species such as Frogspawn Coral and Hammer Coral as they do not sting other Euphyllia. Placement: Mount the Purple & Green Branching Hammer Coral using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the lower two- thirds of the aquarium where they will receive moderate currents and low to moderate lighting. Leave 2-3" around this coral as it has tentacles that can









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